Safe | Secure | Trusted

Cornerstone Technologies provides a suite of IT asset management services, designed to ensure your data and technology are properly managed and recycled.

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Cornerstone Technologies is a IT Asset Disposition and Management sOLUTIONS Provider AND premier electronics recycler nationwide.

Our mission is to provide our customers with seamless IT asset management and recycling solutions that maximize return and minimize the risks associated with data security and improper handling of end of life electronics.


Responsible end of life handling of IT assets requires the best expertise in the industry. 

Cornerstone Technologies provides that expertise with innovative solutions that help customers maximize return and minimize both the data security and environmental risks, which are associated with the disposition of surplus IT assets.


What We Do

Environmental Standards

Cornerstone Technologies offers IT Asset Management Solutions to include Technology Buy Back Solutions, Reverse Logistics and responsible disposition of electronic scrap to local, state, federal government agencies as well as public and private businesses.

Cornerstone Technologies is committed to testing, refurbishing, reusing, recycling and remarketing of end-of-life electronic equipment in an environmentally safe manner ensuring accurate downstream distribution with the mitigation of reputation, environmental and data security risks.


DATA Security

Cornerstone Technologies utilizes state of the art equipment for their data destruction and eradication services. 

When an individual or company makes the decision to upgrade their computer network, the older equipment is often restructured to work in another area of the business, sold on the secondary PC market, donated to charity or otherwise destroyed. 

In any of these scenarios, it is of the utmost importance that the existing data residing on the hard drives of the computers are effectively erased (sanitized). 


Acceptable Materials

Several electronic items contain the following hazardous components: lead, mercury, copper, cadmium, chromium, zinc, heavy metals, etc.

Today, more than ever, corporate America understands the need for professional handling of end of life electronics. Cornerstone Technologies provides professional, seamless solutions and technologies that allow our clientele to be assured that their interests are protected and their risks are minimized.


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